luni, 16 mai 2011

Read the best answer on internet

How Add More CityVille Neighbors ?

Whell rhis short article about  how to do fast and easy

 Read this article and folow the most easy and incredibile way and the most  simple solution on the internet to start Level up your Super City in City Vile  "CityVile The game from FaceBooK"

First you have to ask for neighbors  and you do that on the perfect place for that , wich is a forum  and you ask for it .Is the best and working formula.

Click here to start now

Ask For Neighbors Now

sâmbătă, 14 mai 2011

How to play City Ville on Facebook?

The basics of CityVille, what is your goal?

You are a new Mayor of a city, and it's your job to build up the city and make it become as glorious as possible.  You will be responsible for the population, economy, and health of your entire city.  This means that you need to make sure that you build houses, community buildings, economic centers, factories, harvests, etc.  It's just about making a real functioning city.

The goal is to make money and build a huge city

In the end the goal is simple: make a giant empire, and have your city making you tons of money.  The city itself should be making a lot of money which is generally GDP related (I'm sure you've heard that term in economics.)  You want your city's GDP to grow, as each business that is in your city will add to the total GDP and have you making a lot of money.

You can even franchise your companies out to help you bring in extra cash

If you have friends who play the game then you can give them a franchise outlet which they can put in their city which will give you money, as well as them.  I think this is a fantastic way to enjoy the game together, as well as to make money together and help each other's city grow.  This is just one way to make money on autopilot, below you'll find a lot more information

Why don't you take a look at this step by step guide? Visit: Cityville Guide

Follow this guide that you will find on their download page.  Just click download and then you can begin to read through it.  I recommend that you start on page one, as you will see the benefits of having a brand new city.  If you already made a city then you should probably try to adapt it to what the guide says, or you can just do a new one with it.  Good luck!
So, do you want to learn exactly how to play Cityville step by step? Visit: How To Play Cityville

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How to Play and expand your City Ville on FaceBook fast !!!

  For starting the game  City Ville Click here 
This is the Official Forums and official page of this magnific game City Ville .

The maximum level you can currently reach in Cityville is level 60 which few people are able to obtain.On this page you will leatrn how to level up your city .

How to level up fast in CityVille?

It's all about making the right decisions. Whether you're starting out now or have played already and are making no progress, you can start making the right decisions beginning now. In this article, I will share with you some tips on CityVille (four of them) for levelling up fast.
Levelling up fast is all about getting lots of experience. But to do that you also need to make a lot of coins. So basically, it is all about making money.
One way you can do this is to have good design. Businesses should be built near residential housing to provide a workforce and increase turnover. Also, decoration should be close to both, in order to get up to a 250% bonus in earnings.
So make sure to design your layout in this manner in order to maximise coins and experience points.
More And More Neighbors
The games designers know that the best way to make it popular is to make it so you can only succeed with a ton of neighbors.
So for this reason you should start to collect neighbors like crazy. Start with your existing friends. Then visit the main CityVille page and a few fan pages and join in the "ask me" requests to start making more and more friends and therefore neighbors.
Don't waste your time on inefficient businesses. Use the bakery and only the bakery until you can go for the video game store. Then use this until you can afford the sushi bar.
These businesses are different only in name and how much they earn you. If you one day want to have a nice street with many different stores, save your pride for later - concentrate now on the money and then you can level up quicker and get all that other stuff that you want anyway.
Don't Waste Your Energy
Energy gets filled up when you level up. If you have nearly a full energy bar then use it for something else first before you level up. This way you will actually end up levelling up much faster.
Why have a village when you could have a city? Quit struggling to catch the others when you could easily have all the coins, cash, collections, skyscrapers, franchises and whatever else you could ever want. Get free tips on how to master CityVille here: CityVille Strategy Guide.

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